Space Empires V Wiki
Space Empires IV allows the player to select one of a variety of alien races to represent them and then compete against a selection of the others. As well as the usual human race, the Terrans, there are a number of races which are otherwise notable due to their propensity for successful play.
I can't seem to find a lot of guides/information for new players to this game. There are some pages that are apparently a wiki but they never seem to load.I realize it's old but I'm hoping to find something at least. Any suggestions? Of course, some basic tips here would be nice as well.Specific question, I've found a few planets that say they have ruins or technology on them. I haven't tried colonizing the 'ruins' planet yet but the technolgy planet doesn't seem to be any different. Did I miss something, or.?When I colonized the tech planet, I had forgotten to load population onto the ship, so I suppose that could have been it. I've figured that much out at least, there were a couple random threads that mentioned that.
In regards to your specific question.When you colonize a planet with ruins on it, any new technology you discover will be shown in your next log on the following turn. It doesn't need population to discover it, only a colony.As for tips.When colonizeing concentrate on resource rich worlds to start off, and only develop research, intelligence, & storage colonies after your economy is running nicely & use resource poor worlds to develop them on.Peace now, Conquest later, (after you've developed ground troops so you can capture enemy worlds)Develop Missles, Point Defense Cannons, and Fighters - they're your best weapons (unless you have one of the racial tech trees in which case they might not be)Except in cases of an obvious outcome, play battles tactically.
It takes longer, but gives you a great advantage over computer opponents.If you can, befriend Neutrals, they can be great road blocks to enemy conquest, and if you are able to get your fleet into their system before attacking them, all the better.Beware Schemers and Xenophobes.One final thing,If you think you might be interested in Space Empires V, play the demo you can download from Malfador Machinations' website first, before purchasing it. Alright, thank you!As far as other empires go. They seem to just get ♥♥♥♥♥♥ off at me over time? I'm not quite sure what's up.The first one, I would guess now that it was because I had some ships garrisoned on their side of the wormhole between our two sectors (their homeworld was right beside mine). In the future if I decide to to that I'll go on the other side of the WH, haha.They declared war on me. I've been trashing them so far and IIRC I just captured their homeworld (been a couple days since I was able to play).Could the fact that I'm at war be bothering the other two empires I've encountered?First thing I did when I met them was get a non-agression pact. One asked for a trade pact a couple turns later and I agreed.
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But both of their moods are dropping. I think they've both cancelled those pacts as well. AI Empires seem to get peeved for no reason whatsoever at times. However there are several things I've noticed that affect their moods.1. The Descriptions;For instance, the Eee and the Drushocka are mortal enemies in their descriptions due to a major misunderstanding during their first meeting and the Drushocka's near inability to change.This is reflected in game in that when they meet (the one time I've witnesssed them in the same quickstart game) they go to war.On the other hand, when you befriend a race that has a problem making friends due to other races being repulsed by them (according to the description) they tend to make good friends.
(from my own experience)2. They NEED you;If you go to war with an enemy of the race you are friends with, they will become far more friendly with you.3 They don't need you;The opposite of the above, you go to war with an ally of the empire you are allies with, they tend to decrease in their happinesss towards you and may petition you to make peace with the opposing empire. Which is far easier said than done.4.Xenophobes prefer to be left alone;Xenophobe races tend to remain happiest when they have a non-interference treaty with you and you don't talk to them. Over time this may paradoxically lead to them proposin treaties of trade alliance or more. Sometimes an alliance leads to their liking you less, but I think it is even more likely for 'familiarity to breed contempt' when you intrude on their territory, especially with colonies in their systems.5.Neutrals are WeIrD;-Neutrals tend to have their moods shift dramatically over time. I've partnered with them, and have had them become enraged while maintaining the partnership only for them to later on become receptive.6.Military societies make useful allies but only for the short term;The Jraenar are a good example of this, in that they are good allies in times of war, but are dangerous at any other time. I only ally with them long enough to build up a force and get an ally to attack them.7.
Most empires LOVE gifts;Moods will shift due to brib. Er, gifts.Other useful info.Many AI Empires are hesitant to break treaties, even if they presently hate your guts.Some of the best races to ally with are the Phong, the Eee, and the Cue Cappa. All of these race tend to be friendly. Second string friendlies include the Terrans & the Ukra-Tal.If you get caught up in any conflict, choose your side carefully, because it is next to impossible to switch sides, (I think.) especially the Eee-Drushocka conflict.Trade colonizing tech when playing without restrictions on the colonizing tech, it allows you access to more planets far quicker than researching it would.