Viking Saga New World Level 30

Viking Saga lets you play as a Northern King Ingolf. In order to marry the woman he loves Ingolf has to complete her father's request and find the biggest diamond in the world. The jewel is hidden in the faraway lands so you and the brave leader of the Vikings will have to embark on an epic journey across land and sea.

Several years have passed since Ingolf became the king of Iceland. Since taking the throne, the king has married his beloved wife, Dalla, and welcomed two beautiful children into a growing and prosperous kingdom. But when a terrible disease begins to sweep over his lands, Ingolf must travel to the far west to find a cure that will save his family and his people! Join Ingolf on an unforgettable journey to the wondrous corners of the ancient world and meet new characters along the way in Viking Saga: New World!.

Absorbing storyline. Renewed gameplay and mini-games. Find a cure and save your kingdom.

Meet new and intriguing characters. Play the original. Rated 5 out of5 bybeltie fromOnly for those who really like a challenge Another game in the Series.Graphics are cute, storyline good, replay a must!The game does allow one to click ahead - a must for me.I do like a good challenge and this game gives one.For those annoyed by the commentary, you can opt to mute it.I must say that this is a game I have to watch my language when I play, to ensure the kids aren't around. As I noted above, replay is a must. Once one gets further into the levels, at least for me, I end up playing the level the first time, just to figure out what is needed.

Then playing it at least one more, if not more, to get 3 stars. There are a few levels I've had to play 4-5 times or more. Hence my comment about language. It's a game you love to hate at times:)Great for those who like strategy with their TM games.I recommend this game and the others in the Series as well. Rated 5 out of5 bymegwoman25 fromI LOVED IT!!! Review of Completed Game.This series knocks my socks off. Its comparable to Roads of Rome to me because that series is my favorite builder/TM.

In Roads of Rome I was able to achieve gold in all the levels after much trial and error and it was rewarding. That is how I feel about this game/series.There are 40 levels and 4 bonus levels (available if you get 3 stars on each 10 levels in its chapter). Some levels are way harder than others but with a little strategy, all are solvable.

I played on normal mode and I was able to get 3 stars on each level, even the bonus ones. Level 40 is quite hard let me tell you! It took me almost 6 times to get 3 stars in it and even complete the game lol I feel so accomplished because I was able to devise a plan that worked in most levels. It comes down to what you build, what you don't build even if you have space and what the goals are. Sometimes you don't need to do anything extra than what the goal is and I would forget that and fail the level only to look at it again and go ohhhh I don't need all that fluff. Each chapter is in a new place and this time you deal with fire, floods, falling rocks etc.

Each one made it a little more challenging. Echoed worldwide. I could really live without the fire scenes again as they took me forever.There are big spiders in this game but they are cartoons so it shouldn't scare anyone. I am afraid of spiders and they didn't bug me and since I got to eradicate them, I liked it even more.I can only hope they keep making more and more in this series. I like Northern Tale too but this one just has that extra something special that I like.

I can't explain it, I just love this game.The game also features a relaxed no timer mode, normal mode and hard mode. I tried the hard mode and was able to do it with 3 stars in the first chapter but since I had just completed the game on normal, I really had no desire to go play it again. The difference looked like you couldn't click things in advance like if you didn't have a free worker, it would tell you that instead of being able to queue things. That being said the guy doesn't always run back to the house before you get the items or can play again but it did seem a little harder and of course shorter levels.I will play this game again sometime. The only thing that Id like to see are achievements but even without them, this game is worth the money or at least a punch coupon!

Rated 5 out of5 bygodfreygirl fromLove it.put your thinking cap on pronto!! This Viking Saga game is one of the beginning games to Northern Tale game series. I have all of those and play them often.

I found this one by accident and recognized the little vikings from the NT games.This one is a bit different in the story line and how you do things, but BOY is it challenging ( as all of these are ) and you really have to think here. You need to calculate which building you need AND, unlike the others NT games, you need to know when to demolish a building when you no longer need it.then build a different one in its place.Example: In the other NT games, the druid hut stays in place but, in this one, you need to demolish it after you've gotten the 'goods' and build a mill, sawmill, farm or whatever you need next. It's fun figuring that out.if the viking says 'you don't have enough food!'

, then you might need to build you a farm or mill next.and so on.I also like the story line in all of these games. I don't usually listen or read the stories with these types of games but soon found out, if I didn't with these, I'd miss part of what was coming up and what to do.If you like a challenge, like to think and like to have lots of fun playing a strategy game, this one is for you ( and the other Viking and Northern Tale games ). You'll feel SO proud of yourself after you've figured things out and completed a level.and you'll look forward to the next level. There's always something new around the corner with these. Nothing boring about them at is cute too.There is lots more I could say here, but just try them out for yourself. You definitely won't be disappointed. OH, and get ready to get a bit addicted to them.

Manaphy is now asleep in a bassinet, probably tired after all the swimming. At the port, three of Ship's old shipmates Gabu, Dabu, and Zabu step out to greet their old friend, and they want to go with Ship on the expidition to Akusha (though he doesn't tell them that specifically). Pokémon ranger and the temple of the sea trailer. Ship of course introduces the gang to his old shipmates, as he used to be an avid adventurer of the seas in his boat Blue Lagoon.However, Ship only takes his family, Jackie, and Manaphy along. Ship quickly finishes his cone as he spots his ship coming in, and warns the others that it's arrived. May is upset at this, but she knows that it's for the better that Manaphy gets released.

Rated 5 out of5 bypennmom36 fromFantastic Viking Saga! Another great Viking themed Time Management Game. There are new tasks one of which drove me crazy, snow drifts! If you don't clear the snow drift when it's small, it get's bigger and bigger and takes a lot more resources. This game has a really interesting way of progressing each level, most scenes start out in a small circle and gets larger as you light campfires.

Even though this is a TM game you still need to put a little strategy into the game in order to meet your goals, knowing which buildings to build or which paths to clear first are crucial. You will also want to use the bonus bar as often as possible to earn three stars on each level. The bonus bar recharges after each use and will have several different tabs such as speeding up the Vikings, adding another worker or freezing time. You still need to clear paths, cut down trees, gather food and light campfires, but you also need to build huts, and log cabins in order to receive rent in the form of silver, upgrading these buildings gives you even more rent.

You can build farms to produce food and sawmills to produce wood. Some spaces require you to demolish them in order to build something of more value. You will dismantle and mantle Viking ships as well as going ice fishing, picking berries or even finding treasure chests full of food wood or silver. Warning, you will be playing this game all day long, enjoy! Rated 5 out of5 byMSBAM100 fromThe Vikings are Back! Why didn't somebody say there was a relaxed mode to this game! I loved Vikings 1 but I am just not fast enough to finish a level unless it is not timed.

Relaxed mode still gets you 3 stars so you will also get the bonus levels in each section. In this game your village has grown and prospered, but there is a disease and you must - of course - travel to the ends of the earth to get the medicine to help your villagers, especially your son who is also ill.You still have to build sawmills, farms, huts, log cabins, and keep the campfires lit.

However, now you must also contend with snowdrifts, which grow larger the longer you ignore clearing them. And they come back! You have snow and mountains and fire and clouds and forests - great fun for all!Bought this game without even trying it!

You too will be hooked - even if you are slow, like me! Rated 5 out of5 byEHinSF fromFinally the sequel! I loved the first game and I love this one as well. You can easily buy this game without the first and still get into the story, which is Ingolf is sent abroad with his brother vikings to find a cure for an illness that ravages his people. You still have the Druid's help, but Ingolf encounters more people (including Indians) along his adventure and this game adds things the first game didn't have (ie- air balloons).

It's more challenging than the first game once you're past the first few levels, and is as good a time management game as you'll find. I'm glad BFG finally has this game because I'll look forward to the user forums where we can one another when we get stuck. Rated 5 out of5 bymoxiemoll fromBest TM Game! Every level is an adventure in fun.

This is the best TM game I've played lately. It is so varied, that it's not boring or repetitous. It's better than the first one. I've had to repeat the levels several times to get 3 stars, there is a bonus game for each set if you can get 3 stars.

The fire level is one of the hardest, as everything you build catches on fire if you don't put it out fast. It makes the game so much fun. The story is great as you meet with the Indians and help them as they in turn help you to find the cure for the disease that is harming your people and family. Some of the conversations between them are really funny. The background is very detailed, amazing scenery, and the game play is awesome. I love the airships.

It really is a tough game, there are several that I just can't get 3 stars. Hope there will be a walkthru or hints in the forum soon! Hint: one of the first tasks is to get an extra worker (2) to start and build the highest level house for coins and a mill for food. I hope they come out with more of these games, I love this and the Island Tribe series, they have so much to do in every level.

Oh, and Roads to Rome too, and Northern Tales.