Condemned 2 Bloodshot Walkthrough

Mission 6Mission 6: City MuseumSonic Emitters3Player Responses4News Reports2Optional ObjectivesDon't kill any guards; Photograph strange artifacts (3)This level begins at the scene of a gruesome murder. Your first task is to determine where the wheelbarrow used to transport the corpse came from.STUDY EVIDENCEDetermine where the wheelbarrow came from 0/11) Turn on your UV light, aim at the tracks and choose TIRE TRAIL TO DOOR.Issue your first Response (1/4) to the guard and he'll offer to give you a boost over the wall. The second Response (2/4) should occur soon after.

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Boost over the wall.

Condemned 2: Bloodshot Cheats. This sequel combines mutated beasts, sewer-crawling, forensic investigation, and the fun of being an alcoholic with great atmosphere to create an incredibly dark.

First Person Shooter modeSuccessfully complete the game to unlock First Person Shooter mode. In this mode, you get infinite weapon ammunition. Additionally, you will be given a firearm when you start most levels. Bonus itemsSuccessfully complete the indicated mission to unlock the corresponding item:Mission 1: Silver brass knuckles, Gold fist blade Mission 2: Silver bullet proof vest, Gold flak jacket Mission 3: Gold taser 5 shots Mission 4: Holster Mission 5: Rubber solesEntitlementsSuccessfully complete one of the following tasks to unlock a PlayStation 3 Entitlement reward:Single Player modeAnger Management: Complete 10 emotional responses.

Beat Cop: Complete a mission. Big-Game Hunter: Take out 10 enemies with the antler. Final Word: Complete first environmental finishing move. GOOOAAAALLLL!: Take out 5 enemies with the fooseball piece. Sleuth: Get a Perfect score in a Forensic Event. Self Medicated: Need to heal yourself for 1000 points of health. Decisive Restraint: Don’t Kill a Single Museum Guard.

EPA (Environmental Pwnage Area): Successfully execute 25 environmental finishing moves. Bloodshot: Complete missions 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 to unlock each new Fight Club. Flambe: Take out 10 enemies with the flask/taser fire attack. Investigator: Complete Mission (dev challenge mode).

The Plumber: Take out 50 enemies with the pipe. Can You Hear Me Now?: All oro speakers destroyed. Chain Gang: Successfully execute each attack chain 5 times. Detective: Complete Mission (fps mode). Master Investigator: Earn the maximum amount of investigator points for all forensic sequences. Trooper: Complete All Missions (any difficulty).

Reality is not objective as most people mistakenly assume. Our perception of reality, based upon our ability of discernment, will never attain perfect judgment. How we take in our observation of a rose or water lily is based upon attention, perception, and training. Perception is reality quote source. Perception is reality, so if I sit here and say, 'I'm not a fruitcake, I'm a lemon cake,' it doesn't matter. What you see me as in your world is what I am; it doesn't matter what I am - do you know what I mean?

Tune In Tokyo: Collect all TVs in each Mission. Chief Investigator: Complete All Missions (dev challenge mode). Detective / First Grade: Complete All Missions (fps mode). Gold-Plated: Get the gold badge for every mission in any difficulty level.Multiplayer modeBrick Wall: Complete 5 Successful Blocks.

Just The Facts: Crime Scene: Collect the Evidence 10 Times. Punch-Drunk: Kill 10 Players with fists only.

Sidekick: Assist in scanning evidence in Crime-Scene Mode. Ala Mode: Play 5 games in all MP modes.

Collector: Successfully collect the evidence (as SCU) 5 times in Crime Scene mode. Defender: Successfully defend the evidence (as Infected) 10 times in Crime Scene mode. Magellin: Play each MP map 5 times.

Rush Champ: Bum Rush: Eliminate the SCU 5 Times. Bum King: Survive Bum Rush match without firing a single shot as SCU 5 times. Cut-Throat: Perform 25 finishing moves. Restraint (Not): Win as SCU without firing a shot 10 times. Survivor King: Bum Rush: Survivor (SCU) 5 Times.

MP Overachiever: Win a DM match (with at least 15 kills) without dying. Serial Killer: Kill 1000 players in MP. SKX: Kill 9 unique players with the Serial Killer reward.