The Banner Saga

Live through an epic role-playing Viking saga where your strategic choices directly affect your personal journey. Make allies as you travel with your caravan. Jan 14, 2014  The Banner Saga 3 Discussed, Dev Says Universe Is 'Very Fertile Ground' for Storytelling. Stoic Studios says it hopes it can 'flesh the story out for a long time.' Apr 25, 2016 1:20pm.

GateThe second game chapter can be ended in many different ways, but the most obvious behavior variant is to get to the Gate which is closed because of the chieftain. This is how you can act here:.

Choosing the 1st dialog option twice will lead to the situation where Iver is able to force the gate open. As the result the battle begins. Choosing the 2nd and then 3rd dialog option (Check out the water passage) will make main heroes to use the secret passage.


As the result the battle begins. Unfortunately Iver won't be able to join the fight.

Manage aircraft, cavalry and cannon, and consider the navy to defeat the enemy. Defeat enemy troops and capture as many territories as possible. Noblemen 1896 play the game in ipod touch 5.

Choosing the 3rd dialog option (Shout at the guards on the wall) won't change anything because wall guards won't react for your shouts. Choosing the 1st dialog option (Check out the water passage) will make main characters to use the secret passage. As the result the battle begins. You'll have to defeat smaller group of enemies but unfortunately Iver won't be able to join the fight. The list of possible options variesClosed gate is not the only place which can be examined because you can also visit Rest building. As for the start the game will count on one rest day but then you'll be able to make a decision:.

Choosing the 2nd dialog option (Tend to the wounded) will make the team to take care of wounded. In the meantime you'll learn about carts with supplies. You can decide to attack one of carts (Wait and ambush the cart). As a result the fight will begin. An alternative solution is to meet people who transport supplies (Wait and confront them). As result you'll meet Onef and here you can also act in few ways. If at the end of conversation with Onef you choose 1st dialog option (I don't think so.

We're done here), you'll refuse to meet Ekkill and the chapter will end here. Choosing the 2nd dialog option (I think we'll just take this cart ourselves, instead) will result in the fight. Choosing 3rd dialog option (Fine. Let's go) will lead to meeting with Ekkill, which is described at the end of this page (this is the only variant which allows you to meet this person without fights). Choosing the 3rd dialog option (Settle in for the long haul) will make main heroes to wait.

The chapter will end here. Choosing the 4th dialog option (Rest for a day) will result in resting one more day. If Hogun and Mogun has joined the caravan, you'll be able to examine the fuss on the next day (Investigate the commotion) made by people who want to assault the city. You can join the attack on the closed gate (Join them in an assault on the gate) which will result in the battle. Two other variants - asking Hogun and Mogun to stay with the caravan (Ask them not to go) or wishing them good luck (Wish them good fortune) are VERY not recommended because brothers will die without support from the rest of the team and their death won't change the situation in the city. Get rid of archers quicklyYou have to reckon with the fact that right after starting the fight you'll encounter new enemy units. First of all there are enemy female archers ( Bowmaster and Archer), which should be eliminated as fast as possible.

This tactics is good also because they are very weak in defense and can die even with one strong attack. Elite warriors ( Thrasher Champion) are very tough and it would be good to attack them with several characters at one.

The last one among new enemies is elite opponent with a shield ( Backbiter). In this case the most important thing is not to place your people in a straight line and that's because his special attack is a powerful charge. As a reward for winning the battle you can get even 12 Renown points - this depends on difficulty of the fight. Meeting EkkillThe meeting with Ekkill, which ends this chapter, can be started mainly if you won one of fights described above. But you can also meet him if you didn't choose violent solutions - you just have to stop the supply cart in order to meet with transport guards and properly lead a conversation with Onef.From the conversation with Ekkill you'll learn that he wants to take Frostvellr back from the chieftain and he will offer you cooperation. You can act in three ways here:. Join Ekkill's people (We'll join you.

For now). Refuse joining him (We'll fend for ourselves). Get back to the caravan (We're not staying here.

Let us out)Regardless of your actions the chapter will end here.

Weave your own thread through this epic Viking RPG adventure with the Banner Saga Trilogy. Guide your caravan across the landscape of a breaking world, where the sun has stopped in the sky and the gods are dead.