Overseas Security Jobs

Page updated 4/8/2020

Security Contractor Jobs. People will do anything for money. Even go to war. Mercenaries have been fighting in wars for all of recorded history. They do the military’s dirty work and are paid a huge paycheck for doing it. Mercenaries do more than you think. Today they are called security contractors. Security Clearance Job Center. Overseas Jobs Pay & Benefits. Overseas employees in foreign areas receive the base pay on the GS pay charts with annual cost-of-living adjustments. Additional allowances such as a post differential are provided where conditions warrant. Military base privileges are authorized in many circumstances.

Thousands of United States citizens work for the federal government overseas in foreign countries, in United States territories, Alaska, and Hawaii. The overseas jobs that are most often available are listed below. These federal overseas jobs are available to anyone who meets the requirements.

There are 46,000 federal employees stationed overseas in over 140 countries and in the U.S. Territories. The Defense Department is the largest overseas employer followed by the State Department. Overseas jobs are filled in several ways. In the U.S. territories, Hawaii, and Alaska most positions are filled through competitive civil service announcements.

Clerical (clerk-typist, stenographer) and secretary positions are normally filled locally overseas. Check out our full listing of available federal overseas jobs just below.

Overseas Jobs Menu

  • Introduction
  • Conditions of Employment
    • Physical Examinations
    • Security Checks
    • Transportation Agreements
    • Foreign Language Requirements
    • Competition
    • Citizenship
  • Overseas Jobs - Government & private sector
    • Overseas Hiring Agency Directory(Includes links to agency job lists)
    • Overseas Teaching Jobs with the DODDS
      • School Locations
      • Salary
      • Housing & Living Conditions
      • Overseas Web Sites
  • Overseas Jobs Pay & Benefits
    • Basic Benefits
    • Dependents (Your spouse and children may be able to accompany you overseas)


Various federal overseas jobs are filled through Excepted Service and Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentality (NAFI) hiring programs. Nonappropriated Fund positions are paid using money generated within the Department of the Army and other military branches through sales revenues. These overseas jobs are primarily governed by military regulations.

When positions are filled locally overseas, U.S. citizens living abroad, dependents of citizens employed or stationed overseas, or foreign nationals, can be hired. Most countries have agreements with United States installations that require the hiring of local nationals whenever possible to bolster the local economy. All positions held by foreign nationals are in the Excepted Service. Excepted Service positions are not subject to OPM's competitive hiring requirements.

Most of the upper-and mid-level positions are filled through internal placement. Internal placement allows government employees wanting to work overseas to first apply for the positions in-house. If there are no in-house bidders, agencies then advertise through competitive announcements.

Overseas job applicants should contact individual Agency and OPM web sites for job listings. Contact the following Employment Service Center for NAFI and military civilian Jobs:

List of Overseas Occupations Most Needed

The federal overseas jobs that are most often available are listed below, click on the occupational title for a list of current job vacancies:

Military Exchanges

The Army and Air Force Exchange Service is the largest NAF employer. NAF personnel also work in the Army and Air Force morale, welfare, and recreation activities. Major NAF employers in the Department of the Navy include the Bureau of Naval Personnel, Navy Exchange Service Command, and U.S. Marine Corps. For more information about NAF employment, visit the following DOD NAF Component employment websites:

  • Navy Morale, Welfare and Recreation
  • Marine Corp Community Services

Also visit the Department of Defense's civilian employment center athttp://www.godefense.com. This site is a wealth of information and includes extensive job listings.

Department of Defense Dependent School System - DODDS

The Department of Defense Education Activity (DODEA), ATTN: Teacher Recruitment, 4040 N. Fairfax Drive, Arlington, VA 22201-1634, phone: (703) 588-3983. Applications are processed online at www.dodea.edu.

Elementary and secondary schools have been operating on U.S. military bases overseas since 1946 for children of military and civilian personnel. The DODDS provides educational opportunities comparable to those offered in the better school systems in the United States. This segment of U.S. public education consists of 194 elementary, middle, and secondary schools. The schools are located in 14 districts located in 12 foreign countries, seven states, Guam, and Puerto Rico with enrollment of 86,000 students and 8,700 educators.

European Region — Belgium, England, The Netherlands, Germany, Bahrain, Italy, Portugal, and Spain
Pacific Region — Japan, Guam, and Korea
Americas Region — Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, New York, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Puerto Rico, and Cuba

Overseas salaries are comparable to the average of the range of rates for similar positions in urban school jurisdictions in the U.S. having a population of 100,000 or more.

The school year consists of 190 duty days, with a minimum of 175 days of classroom instruction. Teachers are currently paid on several different pay bands (bachelor’s degree, bachelor’s degree plus 15 semester hours, master’s degree plus 30 semester hours, and doctor’s degree

Housing and Living Conditions

In some areas, living quarters are provided by the U.S. government. These quarters may be in dormitories, apartments, old hotels, converted office buildings, or new modern facilities. These U.S. government quarters are usually provided without charge.

DODEA Worldwide Web Sites:

Conditions of Employment

Federal overseas workers must meet various requirements: physical, security, qualifications, tour of duty, etc. Announcements list specific restrictions, conditions, and special qualifications.

Physical Examinations

Individuals wanting to work overseas jobs must meet certain stringent requirements. Thorough physical exams for both the applicant and, in many cases, accompanying dependents require physicals. You must be able to physically adapt to the conditions at various locations that may not have adequate health care facilities. Individuals on medication or who require special care will not be considered for certain positions. Any physical impairment that would create a hazard to others or to yourself, or would reduce performance level, will disqualify the applicant.

Security Clearance Checks

All applicants considered for appointment must pass a comprehensive security clearance, character and suitability check. These investigations take from a few weeks to several months to complete. If you are selected for a position you will be appointed conditionally, pending the results of the investigation.

Transportation Agreements

Individuals selected for overseas jobs are generally required to sign a transportation agreement. Typically, overseas tours last from twelve to thirty-six months.

Foreign Language Requirements

A foreign language that would not be a position requirement in the States may be required for certain overseas job positions. The job announcement will specify if a language is required. Several agencies appoint candidates without the required language skill and give them a period of time to develop acceptable language proficiency


There are a limited number of overseas employment positions and competition is keen. However, if you are well qualified in an occupation and available for most locations, your opportunity to be selected is good. The normal rotation of current employees back to the United States creates a large number of recurring vacancies.


Federal overseas job applications are accepted only from U.S. citizens and American Samoans.

Overseas employees in foreign areas receive the base pay on the GS pay charts with annual cost-of-living adjustments. Additional allowances such as a post differential are provided where conditions warrant. Military base privileges are authorized in many circumstances and Department of Defense schools are available for dependent children through grade 12.Because the employee’s base pay in foreign areas actually goes down due to no locality payments, overseas employment may not be a good place to work prior to retirement. Without locality pay, your retirement annuity will be less since it is based on the employee’s three year average salary.

On September 30, 2010, OPM published an Interim Rule making Alaska and Hawaii separate whole State locality pay areas and including the other non-foreign areas in the Rest of U.S. locality pay area. The Non-Foreign Area Retirement Equity Assurance Act of 2009, phases-in locality pay for employees in the non-foreign areas.

Basic Benefits

Basic benefits are the same for all civil service employees. Overseas employees also receive travel to their overseas duty station, transportation and storage of household goods, and extra vacation with paid transportation to return stateside between tours of duty.


Most agencies permit professional employees to take dependents with them. Professional positions are generally considered to be mid-level positions and above. Other employees can often arrange for dependants to follow them at a later date.

Job Hotlines and Recruitment Sites

  • Department of Defense Education Activity (DODEA) - The Department of Defense Education Activity (DODEA), ATTN: Teacher Recruitment, 4040 N. Fairfax Drive, Webb Building, Arlington, VA 22203, phone: (703) 588-3983. Applications are processed online at www.dodea.edu. Select “Human Resource.” On the Human Resources Page select “Employment” to locate job vacancy announcements with links to the online application. A description of the DODDS teacher program is featured later in this chapter.
  • USA JOBS by Phone – Federal government job hotline 1-703-724-1850 or TTY 978-461-8404. This service is operated by the Office of Personnel Management and the phone answers 24 hours a day. Callers can leave voice-mail messages with their name, address, and phone number. Easy-to-use voice prompts and voice commands allow access with any touchtone or rotary dial telephone. (Not all vacancies are listed on this service. Agencies with direct hire authority announce vacancies through their individual human resources departments.)
  • Peace Corps Recruiting Contacts (www.peacecorps.gov) The Peace Corps has numerous university programs. For specific information contact the Peace Corps, Paul D. Coverdell Peace Corps Headquarters,1111 20th Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20526, phone 1-800-424-8580.
  • U.S. Department of State jobs (www.state.gov). Direct Inquiries about Foreign Service to: HR/REE/REC, 2401 E Street NW, Suite 518H, Washington, DC 20522, phone: 202-261-8888. Employment 24 hour hotline: 703-875-7490. Call this number for current Foreign Service Specialist job openings. The State Department employs 37,968 persons, of whom 22,261 work overseas.

Internet Web Sites

  • Army Civilian Personnel Online (www.cpol.army.mil/) Very helpful with links to the Atlantic and Pacific employment Web sites. Includes application online forms, job listings, and much more.
  • http://cpol.army.mil/) This site offers job listings worldwide with comprehensive searches for all occupations. Includes links to job vacancies in the Pacific, Atlantic, Korea, and all Army stateside regions.
  • Central Intelligence Agency (www.cia.gov/) Complete information on CIA employment opportunities, with job lists.
  • FBI (www.fbijobs.gov/ ) Visit its site for complete information on job opportunities and vacancy announcements.
  • National Security Agency (http://www.nsa.gov/) Visit their employment page for job announcements and for information on the agency and its mission.
  • USAJOBS — Sponsored by OPM (www.USAJOBS.gov) This site provides a comprehensive listing with full search capability for many federal job vacancies, general employment information, with online applications for some jobs and a résumé builder.

Detailed overseas employment information is included in the paperback version of The Book Of U.S. Government Jobs. This book includes:

  • Overseas agency personnel office addresses and phone numbers
  • Overseas Job hotlines
  • Overseas job web sites
  • Placement services
  • Pacific job opportunities
  • Atlantic job opportunities
  • NAFI positions
  • Over 50 web sites to connect direct to agencies employing overseas workers
  • Description of major overseas employing agencies with numbers employed and key jobs that they fill.

If you are looking for an overseas contract security job, you need to learn as much as you can about all advantages and bad sides salaries of overseas security guards – and risk associated with this type of job.

Contract jobs are usually offered when certain tasks have to be done, and these jobs are temporary. Temporary employment usually lasts several months, but it can last for years, depending on the task.

If your goal is to start a career in this field, a contract job can be a good starting point. If you work hard, your employer can offer you permanent employment.

Most people believe that overseas contract security jobs are good opportunities to earn money in short time, but sometimes they forget about the risk involved in this type of job.

Overseas Contract Security Jobs – Major Disadvantages

First, you must know that living overseas will change your lifestyle. Getting used to a new country, language, customs and lifestyle can be difficult, especially if you are in a country that is much different from yours. Before you decide where to work, find out as much as you can about that country.

You must know that working in this field can put you in high-risk situations. That is why security companies always organize comprehensive training courses. You will learn how to react in different situations, but you must be able to use that knowledge in practice. Certain risk is always present, and you have to be prepared for dangerous situations at all times.

Overseas Contract Security Jobs – What Are the Advantages?

For most people, this is a great opportunity to earn money in short time. Contract jobs are temporary, but they can offer great salaries, especially if the tasks are difficult.

You will learn new things and get some valuable experience, which will be great for your future career. A temporary job can help you get permanent employment.

What Are the Requirements?

In most cases, companies hire males older than 24, who have at least high school education. This can vary, depending on the job position. If you have any other certificates related to this field, this will be considered a great advantage. However, even people who have certificates must complete training courses.

You must have a medical clearance. This document proves that you are physically and mentally capable of doing this job.

People with experience in military have good chances of getting hired.

Useful Information

Hiring a recruitment agency can be a good idea, because they have good connections with companies worldwide. You will get help with finding a job, and you will also get help with preparing your documents and getting a visa.

Here are several websites you can visit:

Civilian Contractor Jobs
Security Companies – the biggest security companies in Europe
Security Services Asia
Security Recruiter

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