Left 4 Dead 2 Wiki

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The Survivors walk past the motel on while plays. Coach breaks through the boarded up door to a convenience store in the park, unlocks it and everyone walks in. Coach: Report unusual behavior. Nick opens the cash register with his pistol and smirks. Coach: Barricade your homes. Apex legends gameplay. Ellis opens a gun cabinet and looks inside. His expression of bewilderment changes to a devilish smile.

Coach: Avoid all contact with infected individuals. Rochelle is studying a map as Ellis places a pistol on top of it for her. She pushes it away as Ellis studies a. Coach is shown reading off a piece of paper as he holds a chocolate bar. Coach: Wait for official instructions. Heh, wait my ass!

Coach crumples the paper and throws it away as he walks towards the others eating his chocolate bar. Ellis has attached a grenade launcher, sniper rifle, a pipe bomb and first aid kit to his back. Ellis: Kill all sons 'a bitches.

Ellis racks his Combat Shotgun. Ellis: That's my 'ficial instructions.

Ellis kicks out the Safe Room door and they open fire on a group of Common Infected. Begins to play. Coach punches an Infected in the face, knocking it down. Rochelle brings her axe into the face of a Common as Coach walks up to the downed Common. Coach: This used to be a nice neighborhood! Coach beats the Common's face in with the stock of his.

Ellis and Nick run along the highway, when Ellis is tackled by a. Nick turns around.

Nick: Shit! Nick fires. Cut to the downed plane in the crash site. Rochelle: What the hell was that? A trio of notice them and charge. Ellis: Hey watch out!

Cut to Ellis and Rochelle hiding behind a fallen tree. Rochelle hushes Ellis as a appears on the other side of the tree. Rochelle: Shhh. This is some grim shit we've got ourselves into. The Spitter hacks up acid at the camera as the scene cuts to the Survivors fighting in the streets of Ducatel. Rochelle: Get back!

Get back! Coach and Rochelle fire briefly at the horde before the Survivors run away. Ellis is helping Nick walk. Cut to the Survivors climbing a stairwell. Coach: Panting from exhaustion Who the hell.puts an evac station.up thirty flights of goddamn stairs.Nick: Exhausted Come on 小oach.maybe the helicopter.maybe it's made of chocolate. Chuckles Coach scowls at Nick.

The Survivors reach the top of the building. Ellis is calling out. Ellis: Hey where is everybody?

Helloooo! Four helicopters are seen flying away in the distance. Rochelle: Ok, this is not happening.Ellis: Anyone here?Rochelle.This is not happening. This is not happening.Coach: Aren't they supposed to be saving our asses?Nick: Looks like there's been a change of plans.

Cut to jets bombing the embankment to the Louisiana Naval Shipyard, a Horde in the French Quarter, and a tractor trailer being blown into a group of Infected on the bridge. Rochelle: Into a radio Stop the bombing run! Cut to the Veterans Memorial Bridge collapsing into the river.

Radio voice: Jesus Christ! That's coming from the bridge! Coach is thrown back onto the hood of a squad car as an explosion hits a gas tanker in front of him. Nick rushes over to help him. Ellis: SHIT!

Nick looks up in surprise. Ellis is attacked by a Charger in a burning shack. It roars, bursting through the wood, sending him flying. It then picks him up. Ellis: It's got me! The Charger pounds him on the ground. He grunts out loud.

Cut to Nick followed by a group of Infected climbing a roller coaster in Whispering Oaks. Nick is pulled up by Rochelle as a fireball engulfs the Infected. Rochelle: Hang on!

Two hazmat suit Infected walk through flames and turn towards the camera. The Survivors run down a hallway to an elevator. Ellis melees a Uncommon Riot Infected, but loses his to a Common Infected that trips with it's arms raised, making it fall out of his hands.

He makes it inside the elevator, but a Smoker grabs him. Ellis: Ah, what the hell-OWW! Nick grabs onto Ellis, pulling him away from the infected as two Common Infected keep the doors open. Coach takes a chainsaw and decapitates the Infected and severs the Smoker's tongue.

Coach: Goddammit! Eat that shit!

Ellis collapses on the floor, and removes the tongue still wrapped around him. His expression of disgust turns to shock as he looks out the glass window, down at a swarm of Infected. Ellis: Holy shit. Coach helps Ellis to his feet as Rochelle hands him a grenade launcher. Rochelle: Hey. 'Kill all sons 'a bitches', right? Ellis sheepishly nods, grinning at the grenade launcher.

The floor count changes from five to four. Cut to the Survivors on the stage of the finale fighting a horde. Coach throws a into the fireworks. Coach: YEAH! Ellis shoots the flying gas can with his and it explodes above the horde of infected.

Nick (voiceover): I have not. Floor count changes from 4 to 3. Rochelle cocks and fires a from the porch of the mansion in Nick (voiceover).come this far.

Floor count changes from 3 to 2. The Survivors are fighting a Tank on the Veteran's Memorial bridge.

Nick (voiceover).to die now. Floor count changes from 2 to L. The doors of the elevator open up. As the Survivors prepare, Coach revs up his chainsaw to fight the horde.

. Light and sound attract the horde.

Car alarms, clowns, fireworks and more will cause them to stream towards you. Boomers make a recognizable, guttural belching noise that give away their appearance well in advance of their appearance, generally. Toss a bile bomb or pipe bomb if you've been puked on to deter the horde.

Never toss a bile bomb, if you have been puked on, as it will summon more horde to attack the survivors. If you get puked on, back into a corner and use your melee weapon to fend off the crowding zombies.Smoker The Smoker is only effective if you aren't working as a team. It snags a survivor and pulls him or her away, constricting the survivor for damage. If the survivor is pulled back to the Smoker's position, it will claw the survivor for additional damage. The survivor cannot fire after the first few seconds of being constricted, thus teammates must free the Survivor by sever the tongue with a melee attack or bullet or by shooting the Smoker. The Smoker, when killed, leaves behind a cloud of smoke that is harmless - although it can obscure your vision.

If you don't see the smoke, the Smoker may still be alive. Use the split second after you've been caught to fire at the Smoker's tongue to escape. After that, it's up to your teammates to act fast and free you. A Smoker cannot pull a survivor wielding an engaged chainsaw. The Smoker's tongue, when attached to a survivor, reveals the Smoker's position. Fire away!. The Smoker makes a coughing sound you'd do well to recognize.

Often, the Smoker appears high above the survivors on rooftops.Tank The greatest threat to the survivors is the mini-boss-like Tank, a quick powerful form of infected zombie that relies on brute strength to deal massive damage. At a distance, the Tank can throw pieces of the ground at you which can be difficult to sidestep (you cannot sidestep them if you are wounded limping).

You can, however, shoot these projectiles out of the air with a few shots of an assault rifle. The Tank can also knock cars at the survivors.

If the tank gets close it can smack a survivor and send him or her flying. This attack deals the most damage.

Backing away from the tank and constantly firing seems to be the preferred method of dealing with it. This works well for whomever the Tank is not targeting.

Take advantage of the Tank's slow throwing animation and shoot it or hit with a melee weapon to finish it off. Learn to recognize the Tank's music and ground-shaking approach. The more shots you get in from far away the better. Or you can hide. Put some fire between you and the Tank to light it up early.

The fire will continue to damage the Tank during its assault, allowing you to take a more passive approach, like running like hell. The Tank cannot move through objects like trees. With a tree between the survivor and the Tank, it becomes an easy, harmless target. The Tank can swipe and damage you through walls. Of course, you can hit the Tank through walls as well.

And from across the room. Just sayin'. Tanks climb slowly. If there's a nearby ladder, or just something to hop on, use it to escape, then shoot down at the Tank. If you are below 40 health points, you cannot outrun the tank or dodge its projectiles. Pop some pills or hide.Jockey The Jockey's main purpose is to separate a survivor from the group, and a separated survivor is a dead survivor. The Jockey approaches low and fast - making it hard to hit - and then attaches to a survivor's upper torso, not only dealing damage but assuming partial control of the survivor.

You can fight the Jockey's control by attempting to move in the opposite direction that the Jokey chooses.