Hitman Google Docs

Sign in - Google Accounts. As Agent 47, you perform contract hits on high-profile targets in exotic locations. With the Intro Pack you’ll get an introduction to the world of HITMAN. Receive access to all future six episodes, including 5 other locations, by purchasing the HITMAN Upgrade Pack.

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Welcome to HitmanDB! - Short versionPost contracts. Find contracts.

Rate contracts. Rate escalations. Rate elusive targets.

Rate missions. Have fun.Welcome to HitmanDB! - Long version What is HitmanDB?HitmanDB aims to be the best place to find, share and rate Hitman contracts on the internet. Currently the game still lacks the options to rate other people's contracts and delete your own contracts, meaning it can be difficult to find anything worth playing unless you know exactly what you're looking for. In HitmanDB, you shouldn't see any contracts people made only for testing purposes or to unlock a quick challenge, but the ones that were made to be shared.HitmanDB also has a rating system that allows you to rate other's people's contracts on a 1-10 scale, so the top contracts are easier to find. Even if you don't plan on submitting your own contracts, I recommend creating an account so you can give ratings and make it easier for other people to find quality content.In addition to the contract database, HitmanDB also tracks, and from the entire Hitman series, all of which can be rated the same way as contracts. So perhaps eventually we'll have a sample size big enough to show what is generally considered to be the best mission in the series.

Can I add my contracts that are featured? What about other people's contracts?Contracts are tied to HitmanDB accounts, so you should add your featured contracts to get them to appear as your contracts. Just type 'FEATURED' in each of the id fields when adding a featured contract.Since contracts are tied to accounts, you should only add your contracts and not other people's. However if you run into a good contract by someone who you don't think is ever going to submit it themselves and want to share it, that's fine. Just remember to give credit to the creator and use your own judgement.

Can I add piece of information XYZ to my contract?I'm aware that people want to list all sorts of things about their contract from lenghty flavor texts to weapon restrictions to preview images, but for now there is only a general 500 character info box that you can use in any way you wish. Imperium galactica 2 manual. I do plan on expanding the options eventually but as my time is limited and there's a ton of contracts being made on a daily basis, I decided that it'd be better to launch it quickly and expand when possible rather than keep polishing it with no real timeframe.In short, the site is very bare bones right now, but there are plans to expand, polish and redesign later on.

Assuming the site is at all successful. Who owns HitmanDB?Hi, I'm Kotti, a first year software engineering student from Finland. I've been a Hitman fan since Hitman 2 and have done speedruns of the games since Blood Money. I've also made a strat roulette for Blood Money and Hitman Season 1, and have tracked speedrun records and escalations in public Google docs.

Hopefully HitmanDB will eventually make the docs obsolete.Just so you're aware, I've never managed a site like this before which is a big part of the reason why everything is so limited for now. It's also a great reason to not use the same password you use everywhere else. I had some help regarding securing the database and passwords and believe the site to be secure, but it doesn't hurt to be extra safe.If you need to contact me for whatever reason, the easiest ways to do so are.

Lara Croft GO by Hitman creators Square Enix launching for Android on August 27

Hitman creators, Square Enix are about to launch their next mobile title for Android. Lara Croft GO will hit the Google Play Store on August 27 and will feature similar gameplay to the popular Hitman GO title. The developers promise beautiful graphics and challenging stages:

Square Enix Montréal today announced that Lara Croft GO, the follow-up to the hugely successful Hitman GO® mobile game, will release on mobile platforms Aug. 27. The turn-based puzzle game offers a never-before-seen take on the iconic franchise, featuring challenging levels, gorgeous visuals and a mesmerizing soundtrack.

If it’s anything like the Hitman GO title, the Tomb Raider inspired version is going to be frustratingly addictive and could be one of the surprise hits of the year. Hitman GO was incredibly well reviewed. Just browsing through the Play Store listing shows glowing reviews. And — for once — it’s not a freemium game. So let’s hope Lara Croft’s version sticks to that pricing model.

As well as announcing the impending arrival of Tomb Raider GO, Square Enix has joined with Crystal Dynamics to launch an art contest. Artists are being invited to submit their own original Lara Croft GO-inspired artwork between now and August 21. The top 10 entries will be selected by a panel of “experts” and will be showcased during a party at PAX Prime in Seattle on August 28, one day after the game lands on the Play Store. Of these 10 entries, three will be selected to go to auction, with the proceeds going to Child’s Play, a “game industry charity”.

If you want to submit artwork, simply email info@square-enix-montreal.com with the subject line ‘Lara Croft GO Art Contest Submission’, along with your name.