Chariot Racing

A winner of a Roman chariot race, from the Red teamRacing spread in popularity and by 648 BC, it was part of the Greek Olympic games. Riders and charioteers faced life-threatening challenges racing in these games.

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Most riders were flung from their horses or chariots due to there being no stirrups or saddles. Most faced brutal injury or even death participating in the races.Sometimes, wealthy owners would participate, but they usually hired riders to ride on their behalf. The hippodrome had an unpredictable surface, and the most dangerous point were the turns of the course. The hippodrome had markings demarcating where most riders collided. Most collisions occurred due to wheels locking or riders colliding with one another.

Chariot Racing

The chariot race in Ben-Hur was directed by Andrew Marton and Yakima Canutt, filmmakers who often acted as second unit directors on other people's films. Each man had an assistant director, who shot additional footage.