
A memorandum is a note or a record for future use. For an organization, it is very important to have an efficient way of communication. It is an intraoffice tool. It has a number of purposes. In simple words, a memorandum is a written message or information from one person or department to another in the same business.

MemorandumAn informal record, in the form of a brief written note or outline, of a particular legal transaction or document for the purpose of aiding the parties in remembering particular points or for future reference.A memorandum may be used in court to prove that a particular contract was made. For instance, in a real estate transaction, a memorandum can be used to show that the parties to a sale have entered into an agreement to sell a particular parcel at an indicated price, in addition to other details of the agreement. This type of memorandum is also referred to as a binder.An attorney might use a memorandum to explain and summarize a specific point of law for a judge or for another attorney.A memorandum decision is a written decision, issued by a court, which reports the ruling, and the decisions and orders of the court. It does not, however, contain an opinion, which is an explanation of the rationale upon which the decision was based. 1) a brief writing, note, summary or outline. 2) A 'memorandum of decision,' or 'memorandum opinion' are brief statements by a judge announcing his/her ruling without detail or giving extensive reasons, which may or may not be followed by a more comprehensive written decision. Such memoranda (plural) are issued by appeals courts in language such as: 'The petition of appellant is denied for the reasons stated in Albini v.

Younger,' or 'The decision below is affirmed.' Literally, to be remembered. It is an informal instrumentrecording some fact or agreement, so called from its beginning, when it wasmade in Latin. It is sometimes commenced with this word, though written inEnglish; as 'Memorandum, that it is agreed,' or it is headed with the words,'Be it remembered that,' &c. The term memorandum is also applied to theclause of an instrument.MEMORANDUM, insurance. A clause in a policy limiting the liability of theinsurer. Its usual form is as follows, namely, 'N.

Corn, fish, salt,fruit, flour and seed, are warranted free from average, unless general, orthe ship be stranded: sugar, tobacco, hemp, flax, hides and skins, arewarranted free from average, under five percent; and all other goods, alsothe ship and freight, are warranted free from average, under three percentunless general, or the ship be stranded.' Ins.223; 5 N.

Freedom planet 2 twitter. 293; Id.540; 4 N. 435.Want to thank TFD for its existence?, add a link to this page, or visit.Link to this page: Memorandum.

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(mĕm′ə-răn′dəm)·mo·ran·dums or me·mo·ran·da(-də)
2. A written record or communication, as in a business office. See Synonyms at letter.
3. Law
a. A short document outlining the terms of an agreement, especially as a draft leading to a formal, detailed contract: a memorandum of understanding.
b. A writing submitted to a court by a party arguing an aspect of a case; a brief.
c. A decision of an appellate court, particularly one that is not accompanied by any detailed explanation of the basis for the decision: a memorandum decision.
4. A business statement made by a consignor about a shipment of goods that may be returned.
[Middle English, to be remembered (used as a manuscript notation), from Latin, neuter sing. gerundive of memorāre, to bring to remembrance; see memorable.]


(ˌmɛməˈrændəm) n, pl-dumsor-da (-də)
1. (Communications & Information) a written statement, record, or communication such as within an office
3. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) an informal diplomatic communication, often unsigned: often summarizing the point of view of a government
4. (Law) law a short written summary of the terms of a transaction
Often (esp for senses 1, 2) shortened to: memo


(ˌmɛm əˈræn dəm)
n., pl. -dums, -da (-də).
1. a short note designating something to be remembered.
3. a written message, esp. one sent between two or more employees of a company.
4. Law. a writing, usu. informal, containing the terms of a transaction.
5. (in diplomacy) a written summary of an issue, the reasons for a decision, etc.
6. a document transferring title to goods but authorizing their return to the seller at the option of the buyer.
[1400–50; < Latin, n. use of neuter of memorandus, gerundive of memorāre to mention, tell]
Noun1.memorandum - a written proposal or reminder
memo, memoranda
note - a brief written record; 'he made a note of the appointment'
aide-memoire, position paper - a memorandum summarizing the items of an agreement (used especially in diplomatic communications)


1.agreement, record, note, contractThe solicitor drew up a memorandum of Ford's financial position.
2.note, minute, message, communication, reminder, memo, jottingHe sent a memorandum to the members of the board.
'A memorandum is written not to inform the reader but to protect the writer' [Dean Acheson]


nounA brief record written as an aid to the memory:
Informal: memo.
athugasemd, minnispunkturskrifleg skilaboî, orîsending
memorandumaspastaba atminimuiužrašas atminimui


[ˌmeməˈrændəm]N (memorandums or memoranda (pl)) [ˌmeməˈrændə]memorándumm; (= personal reminder) → apuntem, notaf


[ˌmɛməˈrændəm] [memoranda] [ˌmɛməˈrændə] (pl) n
(= formal communication) → mémorandumm
a memorandum on sth → un mémorandum sur qch


n pl <memoranda>
(in business) → Mitteilungf; (= personal reminder)Notizf, → Vermerkm


[ˌmɛməˈrændəm]n (memoranda (pl)) (gen) → promemoriam inv (Diplomacy, Comm) → memorandumm inv; (within company) → comunicazionefinternaor di servizio


(meməˈrӕndəm) plurals ˌmemoˈrandums ~ˌmemoˈranda (-də) (often abbreviated to memo (ˈmemou) plural ˈmemos) – noun
1. a note to help one to remember. He wrote a memo; (also adjective) a memo pad. memorandum مُذَكِّرَه،مُفَكَّرَه бележка memorando poznámka die Notiz; Notiz-.. memorandum; notat; notes- υπόμνημαapunte, nota märkmed یادداشت muistilappu noteתזכורת पुर्जा, ज्ञापन bilješka jegyzet, feljegyzés catatan athugasemd, minnispunktur nota 覚え書き 메모 pastaba/užrašas atminimui piezīme atmiņai nota memohuskeliste, notatnotatka يادښت nota notă записка; блокнот poznámka zapisek beleška minnesanteckning บันทึกข้อความ not 備忘便條,(記事本上的)備忘記事 пам'ятна записка یاد دہانی کا تحریری پرچہ thư báo 备忘录
2. a written statement about a particular matter, often passed around between colleagues. a memorandum on Thursday's meeting. memorandum مُذَكِّرَه، تَذْكير меморандум memorando zápis die Note memorandum; notat γραπτή αναφορά, μνημόνιο memorándum märgukiri نامه muistio note de serviceתזכיר स्मरण-पत्र podsjetnik feljegyzés memorandum skrifleg skilaboð, orðsending promemoria 回状 (약식의) 사내 전언, 회보 raštas, memorandumas apkārtraksts; paziņojums memorandum memorandum notat, memorandumnotatka ليك memorando în­sem­nare докладная записка zápis, protokol zapis beleška PM, promemoria เอกสาร genelge, muhtıra, tezkere 備忘錄 службова записка کسی معاملے کی بابت تحریری دستاویز bản ghi nhớ 便笺


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