Chaos Legion Game
Chaos Legion is an action-adventure genre game developed by Capcom, first launched on March 6, 2003. The setting of the game is in a fantasy world where Sieg Wahrheit and Victor Delacroix was once an ally fighting side by side. But because he was so heartbroken after the death of his girlfriend, Siela, also a friend of Sieg, Victor has changed, he thinks that his friend Sieg is the cause of Siela’s death.
Wishing for revenge, he sought ways to free Azrail to purify this sin. Sky burger online game. Join the game; you will play the role of the main character Sieg, fighting against a dark conspiracy from an old friend. The gameplay of the game mainly hacks and slash; this is where you have to fight with many different types of monsters, the monsters will appear in waves. Destroy all monsters in one go to the next stage; you will eventually encounter powerful bosses. After each battle, you will receive different types of items that will help support future battles. With detailed 3D graphics that make the games come alive, the shapes of the monsters are also very diverse that you do not feel bored when fighting.
Two men, once friends, now have their fates tied together by the death of a young maiden. Each man holds the key to a sacred glyph that, when combined with the other two, can open the Gateway of Chaos and lead the people to the Red Moon. You play one of the glyph keepers, Seig Warheit, a young.
If you didn't find a good account. Sign up to and help everyone, adding it to the list. RolyPolyLand is a free to play multiplayer online browser game for kids ages 6-12, where they can communicate and learn while having fun. The project’s main values are as follows: a moderated, friendly world without violence. We’ve been able to combine fun and entertainment with modern educational methods.